Fall is a good time to plant fruit trees. AnnaMaria and I planted some and also some mums at the cabin.

AnnaMaria is helping me water our new Canadian Harmony Peach.

She's proud of her work.

Another Canadian Harmony Peach. Hope they take to West Virginia.

Maybe she'll be a plumber.

Such a big help.

She's good with a shovel.

A natural gardener.

Aimee keeps an eye on the fencer. 7,000 volts should keep the bears away.

The future site of our garden.

A Grimes Golden (one of the two main agricultural contributions of West Virginia, along with the Golden Delicious, the world's most popular apple), a Granny Smith, and a Montmorency Cherry fill out our mini-orchard.

AnnaMaria recently turned four. I am the princess on the right. You can tell by the eyebrows.

She enjoys her new easel from Mimi and Papa.

There was a celebration at daycare too.

Princess Flash!

An old shot from within the Dora tent.

An even older shot of Aimee and our love child.