Sunday, September 25, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Looking out my front door:

It's like the 70s all over again:

We went to a birthday party for one of AnnaMaria's classmates on Sunday:

This is how they roll with eight pet monkeys:

Some goats:

Lots of parrots:

Scooby snacks?

The party in full swing:

AM playing it cool:

Getting ready for lift off:

Up, up and away:

Returning to earth:

Shouldn't the expression be "heels over head"?

Relax, the system is backed by 100% Bolivian technology:

Aimee, in florente delicto:

Bruna and AM enjoying the trampoline:

The party scene:

AM loves her present:

Old school:

And no Bolivian event is complete without the band.  This one from a neighboring village has thoroughly enjoyed their cervezas as you can see in the clicky version of the photo:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday to AnnaMaria

Today was AnnaMaria's 5th birthday.  We went to see the Lion King in 3d at the MegaCenter in La Paz which is more or less indistinguishable from your average US mall:

Then we went to Arliquin which is like a Bolivian Chucky Cheese but with no rules and no supervision:

The birthday girl had her face painted:

Emily likes the bouncy bounce as we call it:

More AM:

The whole crew on the play structure:

Adriana and Bruna:

Emily is having fun:

AnnaMaria on the monkey bars:

Aimee delivers:

Big girl:

Singing Happy Birthday:

Jorge gets pummeled:


Friday, September 16, 2011

Serkhe Khollu Rematch

Yesterday, Robert and I returned to Serkhe Khollu to once again try a new ice route on the southwest face of the 18,200' peak.  Here is how the last attempt ended:

He picked me up at 4 am and we overcame the first crux, driving to the trailhead. We start hiking just after sunrise before the moon sets:

Serkhe Khollu looks a little sinister with the weather unsettled in the early morning light:
The clouds started pouring in around us:
Revealing fresh snow from the day before:
More snow on the way:
Robert making his way upward:
The world's highest trout lake, according to the locals:
Getting close to the snow line:
Climbing the first few hundred meters on steepening snow:
Finishing the snow approach:

Robert leads the first pitch, a classic ice gully:
Somewhat higher, Robert handles the crux:
Less stress on easier ground:
The second to last pitch with heavier snow falling:
I'm starting the last pitch:

Robert is excited to reach the end of the route:
Here I am at the last belay:
Happy to finish:
Given the thunder and snow, we did not walk the last few hundred feet to the summit:
On the descent:

We get a little sun:
Our new route (IV, WI4, 350 meters) follows the obvious ice gully from right to left and back right at the top to finish. Robert is visible as a blue dot below the start:
On the way past the lake:

The cacti appreciate the moisture from the snow:

After a long walk, we return to the car 11 hours after we left it:
Pacha brava growing on black rock: