Monday, March 31, 2014

Pico Milluni

Alex and I went for a day climb on Pico Milluni which is about 18,000'.

We initially wanted to do the upper ridge which looks pretty good:

But we got distracted by the awesome rock on the lower ridge:

Clouds swallowing Tiquimani helped tilt the balance in favor of the objective we felt more sheltered from the coming storm:

All of the possible lines in this photo are new:

We chose this one around the corner:

No climbs yet done here:


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Birds II

I decided to start a new post for birds because the older post became so big it was hard to work with.  So here are some more birds in alphabetical order.

Ash-breasted Sierra Finch:

Band-tailed Seedeater (La Paz, 2/16/14):

Black-backed Grosbeak (Sorata, 3/2/14):

Cattle Egret (Achacachi, 3/3/14):

Creamy-breasted Canastero:

Giant Hummingbird (La Paz, about 23cm btw):

Gray-hooded Parakeet (Mecapaca, 2/10/14):

Puna Ibis (Achacachi, 3/2/14):

Red-tailed Comet (La Paz, 2/5/14, female):

Rufous-naped Ground Tyrant:

White-bellied Hummingbird (Sorata, 3/3/14):

White-bellied Tyrannulet (Mecapaca, 2/10/14):

White-winged Black Tyrant (Sorata, 3/2/14):

Yellow-billed Teals (Achacachi, 3/2/14):

Monday, March 17, 2014

New Route

Roberto and I made a new 10 pitch route in Aranjuez.  It is rated 6b+ which is about 5.11a but most of the climbing is much easier.  The rock varies from pretty good to absolutely horrible.  It's good adventure requiring a range of skills and provided a much needed distraction during this rainy season.

The route follows the obvious rock ridge:

Looking down on La Galleta a popular sport climbing cliff from the top of the first pitch:

Roberto on the first pitch which is a romp up a low angle arete:

The second pitch is quite loose at the bottom:

Look, another low angled ridge for pitch 3:

Pitch 4 is a bit steeper and steeper than it looks in this photo:

Pitch 6 climbs this proud tower:

Roberto celebrates, perhaps because the rock is a wee bit scary:

Looking down at La Galleta again:

Top of pitch 6:

We got some nice light but were afraid we might get rained out:

Not so:

Pitch 9:

Your extremely humble narrator:

And the ever humbling landscape:

La Paz:

Roberto is already psyched for another route:

The crux is at the end:

Looking at the ridge from the other side: