Monday, June 30, 2014

Mighty Aphrodite

We also have a new horse.  The story is that she swam the river from Argentina to Bolivia.  Regardless of whether the story is true, she wasn't halter broke when we got her.  It was the first time I had to use a lasso for a reason.

The first step is getting used to humans and putting some weight on her neck: 

Sometimes she wasn't so cooperative:

And sometimes she was fine:

I spent every day for several weeks getting her to walk, trot, gallop and stop while going around in a circle on a rope.  Gradually, we introduced her to the saddle and started putting more weight on her:

Nice horsey:

During this time, we had visitors from Canada who were on there way to Brazil.  This quarter horse had made its was on foot from Calgary to La Paz.

Now that's a nice looking horse:

Princess Snowbird, our other horse, isn't so bad either:

The moment of truth, the first time in the saddle:

She was calm:

She likes the water:

We spent some time getting her used to riding in the saddle train:

Soon she was ready to take out on the trails:

AnnaMaria with Olaf and her dolls:

Glad this isn't my horse to clean:

AnnaMaria trying to work her pony but he's a bit stubborn:

A few other things.  Some rock on Pico Milluni:

Emily in a unicorn outfit:

A fine looking sheep from Achocalla:

Street art from Miraflores:


Oh Bolivia:


We have a new dog: